NTRO hacking USB modems of private citizens so that they can make fake claims about goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, and othe lazy greedy young fraud raw/cbi employees
In a major online SEX RACKET,FINANCIAL FRAUD ntro is hacking the USB modems, computers of hardworking private citizens, so that they can make fake claims about the various call girls like slim goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan supplied to ntro/raw employees for sex and other fraud raw/cbi employees so that ntro/raw employees can falsely claim that the SEX service provider, who do not spend any money on domains are online experts, domain investors owning the domains where the sex racket, financial fraud is posted
To cover up their fraud of making fake claims about young sex service providers and other young frauds, the ntro employees are making defamatory manipulated videos of the real domain investor, so that they can make fake allegations and commit atrocities on the real domain investor
The indian and goan government is only criminally defaming the real domain investor, it refuses to admit its mistake in making fake claims of domain ownership, that raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, should not falsely claim to own the paypal, bank account, DOMAINS of a private citizen who they HATE. The goan bhandari leaders, officials led by pritesh chodankar are extremely SHAMELESS, RUTHLESS in their financial fraud, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of non-goan bhandari professionals, domain investors and should not be trusted
R&AW/cbi should end end their online FINANCIAL FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about their SEX service provider, robber, cheater employees