Month: February 2016

Torture of domain investors in India causing great pain

While the incompetent security and intelligence agencies cannot maintain law and order in Haryana and other places in north India they are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money to stalk, sexually harass and criminally torture harmless domain investors in India, causing great pain and health problems, for their personal gain or hatred. This adversely affects the revenues of these domain investors and makes it difficult to lead a normal life.

Smartphone costing Rs 251 from Ringing bells

Most newspapers carried the news of the smartphone Freedom251 from a Ghaziabad company Ringing bells which offering full featured smart phone called freedom251 costing Rs 250. The phone seller was promising delivery by June 2016 and online booking had opened on February 2016. However experts are claiming that the smartphone could not cost less than Rs 2500 with the specifications provided. In addition to the media attention, the phone seller has also got a lot of police and income tax department attention with his passport being confiscated.
The freedom251 phone seller said he would be revealing his business model in a few days time. With delivery charges of Rs 40 per phone, the phone seller has already collected Rs 73 crore in online booking and reached their target of 25 lakh mobile phone preorders. Whether he will actually deliver the phone as specified, only time will tell. To get details of the cheap mobile phones available in India check Mobile phones comparison . Phone sellers can send their product specifications for a free listing to Expensive mobiles are also stolen in India, more details at stolen smartphones

Records of human rights abuses

A harmless single woman engineer who is a victim of hitech torture is looking for a human rights activist who can help end the daily torture misusing radiation weapons causing great pain. More details at health news – records of human rights, torture, pain

Non consensual human experimentation affecting eye sight

To allegedly help google destroy competition, ntro, security agency officials in india are testing various radiation weapons on a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor, Paypal account holder, link seller, trying to destroying her eye sight, causing great pain. These officials are falsely claiming national security, when in reality they want google to retain the 95% + monopoly on the indian market. Information on the names, designation of the officials involved in the torture will be appreciated

Affordable buyer lists

Most businesses spend a lot of time and energy compiling lists of potential business customers . For almost every product, the potential clients are well defined, for example paper pulp and paper chemicals are used as a raw material by paper manufacturers, so manufacturers of these products should have a list of companies who are manufacturing paper products. To get readymade lists of potential customers check Latest list fast

Domain investors in India tortured daily, worse off compared to animals

Link sellers, domain investors in India are worse off compared to animals, as there are several organizations fighting for animal rights, no one helps the harmless indian citizens being tortured daily by cruel criminal security and intelligence agencies without a legally valid reason. Almost all activists in india will blindly believe the complete lies of the cruel corrupt all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies about the harmless domain investor.
A dog in distress will get help and dog food, people will take pity , a harmless indian domain investor being tortured by criminal officials daily in panaji, goa and in great pain will find it impossible to get any help as most people are not aware of the hitech weapons being used by these criminal officials who cannot be identified or held accountable.