Help for all your website, webhosting problems

Is your website down, cannot be accessed, hacked or are you facing any other website related problems. We provide help to all website owners, bloggers, webmasters who are facing a problem with their website or webhosting, including help for website transfer/move. Free consultancy for non profit, religious and educational organizations. More details at website help

Seed suppliers for kitchen garden needed

Looking for suppliers of seeds for easy to grow vegetables, herbs and other plants for growing in a kitchen garden for review and listing on the website Garden Garden .
The seeds should grow easily in tropical weather in coastal areas like Goa, throughout the year with little maintenance or fertilizers, Specifically looking for suppliers of easy to grow seeds like Dolichos beans from Sankalp agritech which will grow quickly in all soils yielding beans within 45 days.
Kindly send your price list and payment terms by email to,

Energy consumption of home appliances, electronic devices in India

Looking for information on the energy consumption of various electronic devices and home appliances in India for a listing on the website Home Energy information.
The energy consumption of different brands, electronic devices and appliances are needed for
1. Refrigerator
2. Mixer
3. Food processor
4. Baking oven
5. Microwave oven
6. Rice cooker
7. Roti maker
8. Laptop with 14-15″ display
9. LCD display
10. Desktop computer
11. Netbook with 10″ display
12. CRT monitor
13. Sewing machine

Please send your information to and

Victim of ruthless greedy Hathwar, Kodancha or shivalli brahmin cheaters

A harmless brilliant obc single woman engineer was told that she was cheated of her hard money and opportunities she deserved by the powerful officials hathwar(guruprasad, sriram hathwar and others), kodancha (girish, srinivas kodancha from Gangoli, Karnataka) and shivalli brahmin cheaters, working in intelligence agencies who stole her impressive resume for their mediocre relative BBM nayanshree who has got a lucrative intelligence agency job at her expense, while she has got nothing .
They are also stealing her correspondence making it difficult to lead a normal life, defaming her daily,

Like all frauds they do not have the honesty or courage to justify their lies in an open debate.
Would like to contact other victims of these evil shameless cheater officials in Goa, Maharashtra,Karnataka especially Other Backward Class (OBC), Bhandari victims of these cunning brahmin officials, who have been defamed, cheated and exploited . Please send details of the fraud to . The details will be posted at Betrayal so that other Indians are not cheated

Free listing for tax consultants, chartered accountants and account related professionals

Tax consultants, chartered accountants, tax return preparers and accounting related professionals looking for more leads, enquiries and orders, or to find new employees like article clerks, can send their details for a free listing at Accounting Online services directory. All professionals in India and firms targetting Indians can send their profile for a free listing to

Want to buy radiation meters in India

Looking suitable measuring instruments for measuring high power radiation beams which are used to cause great pain to people. These beams are directed energy weapons and the pain will be experienced for a short period of time, usually less than a minute at a time. When USB dongles are used for internet connectivity especially for Idea,Vodafone, Airtel, the internet user will usually experience great pain, making it difficult to work online, forcing them to disconnect.

The instrument should measure the peak power of the radiation, radiation frequency and capture the exact time, date at which the radiation levels are high. The biological and health hazards of the high radiation levels have already been documented, extensively online and offline.

This information will be needed to appeal to human rights organization across the world so that the officials misusing the equipment can be held accountable and stop misusing these powerful invisible weapons to torture people who they hate or dislike. More details of requirement at electronic torture , email :

Freelancer reviews

Planning to hire a freelancer? Check reviews of freelancers you have worked with at Hire Freelancers. Post reviews of freelancers from India and elsewhere who you have worked with, especially those whose service is not satisfactory at Hire Freelancers so that others are warned and do not make the mistake.
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