Looking suitable measuring instruments for measuring high power radiation beams which are used to cause great pain to people. These beams are directed energy weapons and the pain will be experienced for a short period of time, usually less than a minute at a time. When USB dongles are used for internet connectivity especially for Idea,Vodafone, Airtel, the internet user will usually experience great pain, making it difficult to work online, forcing them to disconnect.
The instrument should measure the peak power of the radiation, radiation frequency and capture the exact time, date at which the radiation levels are high. The biological and health hazards of the high radiation levels have already been documented, extensively online and offline.
This information will be needed to appeal to human rights organization across the world so that the officials misusing the equipment can be held accountable and stop misusing these powerful invisible weapons to torture people who they hate or dislike. More details of requirement at electronic torture , email : info@textads.in